remington college culinary program chef rivera



By Remington College: Posted April 10th, 2024

Tell me a little bit about yourself, 你的背景, 教育, 你工作的地方, 还有那些好东西

对我来说,进入烹饪界是从附近的一个高中项目开始的 Remington College in League City, 德州. This early step led to significant opportunities, including working as a baker's assistant, my entry into professional cooking. 我的职业道路让我在烹饪行业中担任过各种各样的角色, 从当地的小餐馆, an art institute 和 to larger corporate settings with Compass Group, 索迪斯和OTG. 我做过很多工作, from dishwashing to cooking 和 eventually managing teams, each offering valuable lessons 和 experiences.

继续我的教育, I attended the Art Institute of Houston, 在机构关闭之前,通过正式的培训来丰富我的实践技能. 这种教育和实际经验的结合对我作为厨师的发展至关重要.

在我的经历中, 与Compass Group一起为埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)校区的开幕团队工作,这一点很突出, where I took on the role of lead baker. 我旅途中另一个重要的部分是为沃尔夫冈·帕克的高级餐厅做贡献, offering me insight into high-end culinary operations. 另外, 与OTG合作,通过Ember向旅行者介绍休斯顿的味道, a project by Chris Shepard at the airport, highlighted the importance of showcasing local flavors.

These experiences have taught me the value of hard work, 持续学习, 以及适应快节奏烹饪领域新挑战的能力.


In this industry, experience reigns supreme. You can graduate from culinary school as the top student, but what truly speaks volumes is your ability to h和le the heat, both literally 和 metaphorically. 我的旅程, marked by versatility 和 a constant drive to learn, 对于那些渴望在烹饪艺术中开拓职业的人来说,这是一条前进的道路. It's about putting in the work, 拥抱各种机会, 和 always being ready to learn from each experience.


要在教室里捕捉到厨房里熙熙攘攘的真正本质,总是一个挑战. 然而, I firmly believe in focusing on the fundamentals of culinary arts, teaching the why 和 how behind each recipe. 这是为了给学生打下坚实的基础,让他们为任何厨房场景做好准备, 将理论知识与实践技能相结合,帮助他们了解烹饪世界.

What Essential Skills Do You Emphasize in Your 烹饪 Teaching?

在理论知识和实践技能之间取得平衡是至关重要的, 虽然要完全复制餐厅厨房的喧嚣是很有挑战性的. 我认为最重要的是理解食谱是如何运作的,直到它们的核心. 无论是一个有标准化食谱的井井有条的厨房,还是一个更自然的烹饪环境, 的技术, 做事的方式, 和 step-by-step instructions form the foundation of any culinary task.

I emphasize the basics such as braising, 灼热的, 酝酿, 和偷猎, explaining not just the how but also the why. It's vital for students to feel comfortable in any kitchen they step into, to underst和 why a recipe is built a certain way, 和 to grasp the underlying principles behind cooking methods. These aren't just recipes; they're a collection of ideas 和 techniques developed over time. 我的目标是让学生们遵循这些食谱,创新,并理解它们背后的原理. While I can't mimic the exact pressure of a restaurant service, 我可以让我的学生掌握知识,驾驭和理解他们身处的任何厨房的动态. 我相信,这种理解对他们在烹饪领域的成长和成功至关重要.

Are there any current trends or technologies affecting the culinary world?

集成技术, 从世界上某些地方的机器人到平板电脑和家庭附近的自动化系统, 正在重塑PG电子游戏的行业. 然而,烹饪创造力的核心,厨师的触觉,仍然是不可替代的. Amidst technological advancements, dietary trends are also evolving, shifting towards healthier eating post-COVID. It reflects the growing awareness around food 和 wellness, 哪些是理解和融入PG电子游戏烹饪实践的关键.

When looking for a culinary program, what should a student consider?

选择合适的课程是关于平衡实践学习和个性化指导. 寻找能让你从错误中吸取教训的环境是很重要的, 由经验丰富的教师指导,他们可以分享他们的知识和见解. 对我来说, a program that offers close interaction 和 personal feedback is invaluable, 因为它不仅可以帮助你提高,而且还为烹饪行业的现实做好准备.


For more information on Remington’s 烹饪 项目, 点击这里.